Monday, June 11, 2007

Carnival of Personal Finance #104

The Carnival of Personal Finance #104 is hosted this week at Going Green. Looks like a fantastic carnival with tons of great articles.

I submitted my article "Children working". But other great articles include "could you live off one income" at my two dollars, answer is yes.

The other article I liked was "Buying a profitable rental property" By Journey to Financial Freedom. I think that investing in RE is overhyped and the demands are really understated. Most people think jump in, instant money maker. But it's not as easy as it seems nor as lucrative as people make it out to be. We'll see in another 2-3 years if people say being a landlord is great.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Harrison from Journey To Financial Freedom. Thanks for choosing my article as your favorite.

Actually it needs some works in order to profit from a particular investment. But i believe once you profit from 1 investment, you can easily generate another 2-10 investments that are profitable.

Just Learn and take action! You will get the results you want in future

Living Almost Large said...

I just sort of think that people need to consider carefully RE as an investment instead of thinking it as easy money.